The IEHCA’s library was established in 2002 and is Europe’s leading research library devoted to food history and cultures.
If priority has been given to research publications in the humanities and social sciences, other disciplines also find a place in our collections, including law, literary studies, political sciences and marketing. All periods of history and geographical areas are represented, as well as a wide range of subjects (regional cuisines, viticulture and wine, table etiquette and decoration, etc).
The library houses a multilingual and multidisciplinary corpus of over 10 000 works, 79 specialised reviews, theses, inventories, sources, etc.
You can consult the catalogue at: www.portail.scd.univ-tours.fr
The library is open to the general public.
→ Specialised collections
Thanks to donations, the library holds specific collections covering cheese, dairy products and wine, as well as a collection of Michelin-starred restaurant menus. There are also archive collections accessible to all researchers, subject to prior reservation:
• The Annie Hubert collection: food anthropology and medicine
• The Thierry Nadau collection: agriculture, trade and agri-food companies in France and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries
• The Jean-Pierre Corbeau collection: food sociology
• The Patrice-Michel Pottier collection: gastronomic criticism
For further information please contact: christophe.souriau@iehca.eu
→ An online bibliography In partnership with the Villa I Tatti in Florence (The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the library is putting together a specialised bibliography on food history and cultures, which already includes more than 21,000 references. In addition to works and theses, it lists articles from periodicals, conference proceedings, etc.
The bibliography can be consulted at: www.foodbibliography.eu
opening hours
From monday to thursday : 9h-12h ; 14h-18h
Friday : 9h-12h
Christophe Souriau
chief librarian
00 33 (0) 2 47 05 00 33