“Tables des hommes” collection
The ‘Tables des Hommes’ collection arose from the association between the IEHCA, the François-Rabelais University (Tours) Press, and the Rennes University Press.
This series of publications is dedicated to food culture, with the goal of providing a better understanding of the relationships that bind people and their food together. Its objective is to produce a wide range of previously unpublished work, such as monographs, conference proceedings, study days, seminars, and theses. Also published are translations of foreign publications which have left a lasting mark on this research field. It focuses on facilitating the dissemination of academic knowledge. Such knowledge is all too often inaccessible, whereas the interest of public authorities and the general public regarding these issues is continually on the increase.
Direction de Collection
Valérie Boudier, professeure d’histoire de l’art, université de Lille, France
Antonella Campanini, professeur d'histoire médiévale, université de Bologne, Italie
Philippe Cardon, maître de conférences en sociologie, université de Lille, France
Bruno Laurioux, professeur des Universités en histoire médiévale, Tours, France
Florent Quellier, professeur des Universités en histoire moderne, Angers, France
Correspondant IEHCA
Loïc Bienassis, chargé de mission scientifique, Tours, France